Ahhhh....a gorgeous sunset will always
turn my day around. |
Something very interesting happened last week (and by interesting, I mean terrifying).
What happened? This Type-A-I-Can-Do-It-All Wonder Woman decided she could handle 15 gigantic tasks, all at the same time. They were ALL urgent (we're #1!), required my immediate attention (NOW, lady, NOW!), and nothing could be dropped (hey-I’m no quitter!)
Except I couldn’t handle it all.
In the middle of the night, I awoke to a raaaaaaacing heart. Unfortunately, this pounding-heart-is-that-an-earthquake-oh-no-that’s-just-me sensation was terrifyingly familiar because it occurred frequently during my divorce. In other words, one of the most traumatic times of my life.
I needed to address my stress, so I quickly implemented Operation Stop Freaking Out:
- Breathe.
- Pray. Hard.
- Reach out to friends and ask them to pray for me.
- Make a list of everything on my mind (this whole Type A thing can come in handy too)
Scanning the list of All The Ridiculous Things I Committed To made it abundantly clear why I was anxious—I was drowning in an ocean of Yesses.
And something had to give. Though I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what.
In that moment, I realized I had a choice: Continue being Stressed Beyond Belief, or…not.
When I looked at the situation from this new angle, my choice became simple.
I said no to being overwhelmed, and I said yes to me.
Looking back, I’m happy that I started to unravel.
Because sometimes, in my quest to do it all, I lose myself. And since I’m incredibly stubborn, I needed a shocking wake up call to inspire change.
So today, I’m remembering that it's ok to say no.
And to breathe.
*How do you de-stress? I'd love to hear from you, please share in the comments below.*
If we want things about our lives to change, we have to change the way we use the two most powerful words: yes and no. -Lysa TerKeurst
Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe. I long to dwell in your tent forever and take refuge in the shelter of your wings. - Psalm 61:1-4
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