Gosh I loooooooove this place. |
This past weekend was busy. And chock full of really awesome choices.
It started with an impromptu bbq at a friends house on Friday. I said I’d “drop by” and promised myself I’d have just 1 glass of wine because I had a run in the morning (I finish one half marathon, and now I think I’m a runner).
Famous Last Words.
A bottle of wine and many many hours later, with just a few hours sleep, I woke up to run a 5k.
You can probably imagine my mantra during this run: Don’t throw up. Don’t throw up.
Immediately following the run, I rushed home to shower and change to join a friend for the long drive up to West Hollywood for a baby shower. Fun girl talk, cake and presents later, we then slowly inched home (101, I curse you) where I immediately met friends to watch the Kings game at a bar (apparently there is a sport called “hockey” on right now). More fun chatting, cheering, and some drinks later, I finally got home, and promptly collapsed into bed.
I was exhausted come Sunday morning. But I promised a friend I’d go to church, followed by brunch. And then I decided to do this:
Sit on my couch for 5 hours watching Game of Thrones. (Spoiler Alert: Everyone DIES.)
So, you know, I observed the Sabbath. A-hem.
Was this because I had nothing else to do? Not exactly.
Among the 137 things on my To Do list:
- study for a final exam (which I miraculously passed)
- 4 loads of laundry (including something urgent and smelly)
- return 13 voicemails (I seriously hate voicemails, sorry Mom)
- shop for real food (dinner was salsa and a frozen chicken patty- super creative or just plain weird?)
As I pondered the end of my opposite-of-busy day, I thought:
You make really bad decisions. Do you have any idea what you're doing?
Sometimes this thought pervades all others: I’m terrible at this, at life.
And then I took that thought and tossed it.
The thing is, I know I'm making slow progress, taking life one day at a time.
Sometimes it's ok to be, and not do (when a friend first shared this with me, I remember thinking: Aww, that's so cute. I'm a doer, you see. But she couldn't be more right).
And I'll bet this is true: no one really, truly has everything figured out.
But thank goodness there's a God who does.
But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Matthew 10:30
Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. Psalm 147:5
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